
In prachtig Engels voorgedragen door Dorothy Weirs

Romanian Oak

Approach me in a state of focus
your long limbs next to mine
To figure out a way of conception
deduced from a jagged line
An angular grid to take the measure
composed tapered when forces dim
Notice these planes along three axes
and slanting angles at edges trimmed
My stark surfaces of one material
yet a dualism so easily dosed
Be seated to work in concentration
and taste henceforth this active pose

Absorbed reflecting on massive wood
I feel this light across my thigh
All joints subtle and abstract in lining
hiding plates and screws from the eye
In thickness sufficient to carry any load
from slabs sawed in matching vein
This mode somewhat low and overturned
mechanisms to explore in future phase
A robust prototype thus am I
even as enclosing comfort adheres
My embracing legs will stay the same
as seat and back offer lounging spheres

Maarten Douwe Breder

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